Kala Latsch, Legal Assistant

Kala Latsch

Legal Assistant

Kala Latsch works with us part time, as she is currently a senior at Milford High School and anticipates graduating in the Spring of 2025.  Kala can be found answering our phones and assisting clients at the front desk in our Seaford location.

When school and the work day are over, Kala loves going home and spending time with her cat, as it relaxes her after a long day. When she is not at home, school or work, Kala can be found at the local gym, as she prioritizes health and fitness. For fun, she loves to shop, whether it’s to find a cute outfit or other things that she needs.

Kala is thrilled to work at Aleman and Associates and can’t wait to see all the fun and exciting things that will come along with it.

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